April 11th, 2025 |
8:45 | Registration |
9:30 | Diagnostic imaging of the equine foot and digital axis farrier oriented Valeria Busoni |
10:45 | Hoof mapping and other ways to read the foot Grant Moon |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | Heel pain syndrome (navicular syndrome etc ) clinical signs , diagnosis and medical/surgical treatment Marco Marcatili |
12:15 | Navicular syndrome shoeing: different approaches for the same Hans Castelijns |
13:00 | Lunch Break |
14:30 | Shoeing a horse with long toe- under run heels syndrome Grant Moon |
15:30 | Shoeing a navicular horse Hans Castelijns |
17:00 | Adjourn |
April 12th, 2025 |
9:00 | Club foot from foal to adult horse and how to deal with uneven feet horses Hans Castelijns |
09:45 | Understanding the challenge of imaging assessment of the hock and PSL area Valeria Busoni |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Hind limb orthopedic problems that can be help by farriery Marco Marcatili |
11:45 | Proactive foot care for limiting hind limb lameness Grant Moon |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
14:00 | Shoeing hind limb in a horse with “tricky” conformation Grant Moon (2 feet 1 hour) |
15:00 | Shoeing a club foot or a uneven feet horse Hans Castelijns (2 feet 1 hour) |
16:30 | End of the Congress |